What Would You Put In This Tank?


Fish Addict
Feb 20, 2009
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I have been keeping marine fish for a while and I was going to set up this 48 x 30 x 16 inches tank for saltwater but ideally at the moment I can not afford to do so. I'm shutting down my current saltwater nano tank. I would like to make it a freshwater tropical tank though. Right so I have some ideas but not sure what to stock in this tank. It is a shallow tank so the height is 16" only but it has a great area for swimming space. 
I would like to find out what species everyone would put in a tank this size, your personal preference to get ideas on what to stock? I don't mind going for cichlids, community, predator fish or even brackish. I still have 3/4s left from my 25kg salt tub so I don't mind trying out brackish as I never have done this before. 
Thanks : ) 
catfish tank?  

a variety of cory and pleco

How bout killifishes or halfbeaks (though i haven't seen anyone keeping the latter)
Interesting ideas so far :) 
I don't want the tank to look empty so anything that is perhaps a really active fish that will swim around the tank. 
or a small group of rasboras or danios does well in shallow tanks as well but make sure to have the tank covered well since they sometimes jump when excited or stimulated during feeding time :D
With a footprint like that? Hmm, the Corys one could have, two or three good sized shoals.(gotta love the Corys)
A large school or two of Tetras or Rasboras. As birds over a full "landscape".
Gouramis are great centerpiece fish. A little short for Angels.
A Betta sorority.

I know run of the mill, but I am still happy with run of the mill fish.
I have decided on my species :) 
I used to have a cichlid called African congo tinanti cichlid, Steatocranus tinanti. We could only find one singularly as in the shop it was on its own. I did think about this before but now hopefully I'll make it reality on adding a group of these with the same environment in the wild. 
This sort of fish that likes the high stream. I want to make the right environment for them and I sill have all my wave makers to make a nice bottom current. The fish are very entertaining. See the video link below for the type of layout I'm looking to make : ) 

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