What Would You Add To My 20G?


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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so currently i have 7 neons (that i will up to 10) and 4 cories (that will be upped to 6) 3 harlequin rasboras (no intention of restocking them, I have someone waiting to take them to put in their kid's 20g and willing to up their numbers (he takes care of the tank, the kid is really young). a female betta, and a BN Pleco. and about 10 MTS.
So....... i don't know what to add next after my heat ich treatment is done. (these fish will be from petsmart and QTed in a large tub i have that i'll buy a spare filter/heater for) I wanted an angel or two. They're only about quarter size in body size at the store cus i LOVE angels... and I do plan to upgrade to a 40g after i move this summer (would do it now but its easier to move a 20g than a 40g) so the angelfish would be in a new home before the year's up. Thoughts on this? I know as they get bigger they'll eat the neons, which is why i plan to keep the 20g somewhere else and get a new 40g to put on the stand the 20g is currently on and put the 20g on a dresser or something..
So would getting a few angels be okay?
If not angels, what would you guys recommend to add in my tank? I've always preferred to have fish i can identify separately, give names to, bond with, etc. Like betta's or goldfish for example but i can't have a cold water fish in a warm water environment HAHA plus i love my planted tanks and I hear they're wrecking machines in planted aquariums.
I guess... i could get some more female bettas, but i hear that you'd want at least 5 to spread the aggression and I don't think there is enough space in a 20g for 5 bettas to all have their own territories.
I think your 20g is fully stocked once you up the numbers, and is too small for angelfish. Would just wait until you get the bigger tank to get some. :)
I would say that you're done. You've got two schools of fish, plus a very messy fish, and a female betta, as well as several snails which are also messy.

It is never a good idea to buy a fish before you have the appropriate size tank. Usually something happens when we make these plans, and we are unable to get the larger tank. With angels, remember height is more important than length.

I would not recommend anymore female bettas as they can also be aggressive to other fish.

You have fish at all levels of the water, so I would leave it alone.

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