What Type Of Ram Are These?


New Member
Feb 6, 2012
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My LFS had them labelled simply as rams what are your thoughts?

Woohoo Hoped they were. Yeh I reckon male and female too as the one on the left has a pinker belly and got the blue coming through her black dot :p

Try and get some better photos with a proper camera soon, they seem to have settled in
If anyone has got any tips on what to best to feed them would be most appreciated :)
If anyone has got any tips on what to best to feed them would be most appreciated :)
i feed my rams small blood worms, beef heart, and some live brine shrimp. And they are doing amazing. Good luck :good:
I agree protein type foods, good for colour
They are German Blue Rams but just for a tip GBR like high tempertures 78-84 degrees
After converting it that means 26 to 29 C and mines at 27 at present worth putting up a touch?? Others in tank are danios and platys
26C is about the upper limit for Platies and most danios, I don't know I'd go any higher.

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