I've just tested my local water supply and found the nitrates somewhere between 10-30ppm (darn Nutrafin liquid test kit is never that easy to read even under ideal lighting), and the tests turned out identical to one done on my tank water (performed others last night just on tank water, but under awkward light conditions). So, I don't need to worry too much about my aquarium's nitrate parameters, but if I wanted to lower them any more, I might run into a brick wall whereby I'm putting in what I've just taken out in terms of nitrates (it might be fresher water, but that isn't the point). Are there any products that might help reduce the nitrates in my local water supply prior to adding the water to my aquarium? Any other advice on the matter? I've contacted the water company asking for the parameters of the water supply, and if this might be a regular or seasonal variation, but apart from that, I suspect it's something that isn't going to change anytime soon. I'd assume 20-30ppm, judging by the tests, so unless I can do anything before adding water to the aquarium, I'm looking at 20-30ppm minimum as a constant when I test tank water.