What Kind Of Platy Have I Bought?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2012
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I bought 2 new platys today, one of which is very pregnant. Does anyone know what kind of platy they are? The guy at the pet shop said "they're platys" very helpful! lol. Excuse the poor photo quality as they were taken on my phone.

Ok, so i was going to post photos but it didn't work, anyone able to enlighten me?

I bought 2 new platys today, one of which is very pregnant. Does anyone know what kind of platy they are? The guy at the pet shop said "they're platys" very helpful! lol. Excuse the poor photo quality as they were taken on my phone.

Ok, so i was going to post photos but it didn't work, anyone able to enlighten me?

I'm not seeing any photo o_O?
Thanks :)

They seem to be getting along alright with my variatus platy. I have 2 female variatus and 1 male. So with a 4:1 ratio fingers crossed there won't be too much breeding (having said that i think my 2 variatus platy females may be pregnant for the second time, i've already got 9 fry!)

Anyone think its time to put the sunset mickey mouse one in a breeding box yet?
Thanks :)

They seem to be getting along alright with my variatus platy. I have 2 female variatus and 1 male. So with a 4:1 ratio fingers crossed there won't be too much breeding (having said that i think my 2 variatus platy females may be pregnant for the second time, i've already got 9 fry!)

Anyone think its time to put the sunset mickey mouse one in a breeding box yet?

I've seen bigger platys but all of them are different some get big some don't. One of my blue platys looked like they still needed a week or so until I saw her dropping fry while I was eating. I didn't really pay attention to her because she wasn't big which was a mistake. You also have to look at their behavior, for the most part they are very antisocial when they're close to dropping. I usually put my platys in a breeding box during the night. Look at the fish and see if shes just near plants floating there or at the bottom just sitting there anything out of the ordinary. Hope that help :).

Edit: Also, can't really see how big she is from that side.
On reading the last post I looked at her, she was on her own, at the bottom of the tank beside a plant. So pretty much all of the above! I've put her in the breeding box, hopefully she'll drop soon. No idea what the babies will look like as she was in a tank with loads of different types of platy.

Also, her stomach is very squared off so pretty sure she's about to go!
On reading the last post I looked at her, she was on her own, at the bottom of the tank beside a plant. So pretty much all of the above! I've put her in the breeding box, hopefully she'll drop soon. No idea what the babies will look like as she was in a tank with loads of different types of platy.

Also, her stomach is very squared off so pretty sure she's about to go!

You could also put a blanket on the tank and turn off the lights on your tank. They prefer to drop while its dark. Also put some food in the breeding trap so she doesn't get to stressed maybe even some plants if you are able to. Read this is you need any more info. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/253113-how-to-know-if-your-livebearers-ready-to-drop-fry-updated-150412/ You could also get a mash net trap to house the fry or use the breeder box itself. Good luck! Post some pictures if you can :good: .

Edit: Make sure her breeding tube is open also :p. More info on that in the link I posted.
Thanks :)

They seem to be getting along alright with my variatus platy. I have 2 female variatus and 1 male. So with a 4:1 ratio fingers crossed there won't be too much breeding (having said that i think my 2 variatus platy females may be pregnant for the second time, i've already got 9 fry!)

Anyone think its time to put the sunset mickey mouse one in a breeding box yet?

I've seen bigger platys but all of them are different some get big some don't. One of my blue platys looked like they still needed a week or so until I saw her dropping fry while I was eating. I didn't really pay attention to her because she wasn't big which was a mistake. You also have to look at their behavior, for the most part they are very antisocial when they're close to dropping. I usually put my platys in a breeding box during the night. Look at the fish and see if shes just near plants floating there or at the bottom just sitting there anything out of the ordinary. Hope that help :).

Edit: Also, can't really see how big she is from that side.

Here's a better photo of her.

She does look pretty round and I think I can see her breeding tube from here not so sure if its just the light.
Her breeding tube is very visible.

Thanks for your help! I paid £4 for 2 platys, will be very good value for money if i end up with a load of fry!
No problem. :good: Post some pictures of the baby fry when you get a chance :p.
No problem. :good: Post some pictures of the baby fry when you get a chance :p.

I will do! I currently have 9 variatus platy fry, but for some reason the tank water is a bit cloudy just now after a water change. Once the water clears up i'll post some!
Yeah it happens to me sometimes too, platys can be excessive poopers xD.

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