What is this ....

jonny toe tags

Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
It's some kind of algae.....real hard to brush off.
It's turns the leaves dark green (some fuzz also)
I have that, mostly on my plants, not sure why it likes it on the plants. My plec keeps it mostly under control.

Afterthought: plecs seem to be a bit picky on what algae they eat so its not a guarentee.
Some of the more experienced fish keepers may was say they'd rather not use medicines or adjustments to fix any symptoms. Its best to look for the problem or address the balance, hence my suggestion of having a pleco or maybe some brine shrimp or anything that will scavenge the algae.

Another way of fixing the problem is to plany some super fast growers like errm (not to good with plant names) hogwort is it? Anyways, a plant that grows super fast out competes the algae for the minerals, nitrate etc in the water hence the algae dies off somewhat.

In all my tanks I have some fast growing plants and one pleco, they seem to keep it down for the most part. I also let the snails get on with it too, they dont damage the plants and add a little variety. I've never had the snails take over my tank tho, maybe I'm just lucky.

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