What is this slimy stuff?


Jun 2, 2016
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Can anyone tell me what this slimy stuff is on my driftwood? I read somewhere that sometimes it gets on wood that you put in your aquariums.

What is weird to me is that it is on the wood this tank, my 75 gallon, but I put wood in my 55 gallon at the same time and that wood has nothing on it.

In the 55 I guess the fish could be keeping it clean. My 75 has no fish yet, just some plants that I am letting grow in for awhile before I cycle.

So, does anyone know what it is? Why it is on every piece in this tank and how do I get rid of it? I mean, if fish will eat it, then it does not bother me to leave it in there until I get fish. But if fish don't really eat it, how do I get rid of it? I was thinking I might could take it out and pour boiling water over it.
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I've seen it before, and had it before, I couldn't get it to die so what I did was I completely bleached down the tank and re-scaped it... I don't think this is an algae, I don't know what it is but that's how I got rid of it... may not be the best way but hey, it worked.
It is a kind of algae. It grows because of excess nutrients leaching from the wood, and it will keep on regrowing until those nutrients are all gone.

It's unsightly, but not harmful, and some fish will eat it. If there's loads of it, you can take the wood out and wash it off with some hot water so it doesn't get too bad, but it will go on its own in time :)
Thanks! I guess that is probably why I don't see it in the 55 gallon...the fish are eating as it grows. It is unsightly for sure :)
I have no desire to break down the tank, I just got it started, LOL.
It's perfectly normal although super disgusting and if you try to touch it you might heave a little!

It's the organisms forming a bloom as they come out from the insides of the wood (ew).

I tried to prevent this with mine as I boiled it for 6 hours!!!
And then soaked for 42.

When it stopped leaching tanins I thought maybe I was safe but as soon as I put it in ... the white slime came.

My fish loved it and my nerite snail went bonkers for it. I also had just purchased ottocinclus cat fish and they completely rid the wood of all of it and kept it at bay until the wood fully cycled.

It's perfectly beautiful now!

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