What Is This Growing On Wood?


Jul 16, 2013
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Any one know what is this? It's growing on the wood I'm preparing. Grown over 2 days. White milky fluffy. Comes of easy by rubbing it.
This is not in my tank. Its in hot water in a tub.


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It's some kind of fungus.
Mostly appears on wood that was taken straight out of a tree. It is harmless and should disappear after a couple of weeks.
Fungus.  Most of it that appears on wood is safe, but there are some that are highly toxic to fish.  Impossible to say without microscopic examination by a microbiologist unfortunately.  The "grapewood" branchy wood sometimes sold in fish stores can contain deadly fungus, as I and others have discovered. 
Bubbelzzz said:
It's some kind of fungus.
Mostly appears on wood that was taken straight out of a tree. It is harmless and should disappear after a couple of weeks.
Was taking about 3 weeksago from tree

And now looking at it it does look like fungus

Many thanks
Byron said:
Fungus.  Most of it that appears on wood is safe, but there are some that are highly toxic to fish.  Impossible to say without microscopic examination by a microbiologist unfortunately.  The "grapewood" branchy wood sometimes sold in fish stores can contain deadly fungus, as I and others have discovered.
And fish shops is where we expect stuff to defiantly be safe. Lol

By "three weeks ago" do you mean you cut it from a live tree then?  Live wood should never be placed in an aquarium; it must be completely dead, and dry of any sap.  Hard wood (such as oak, beech, etc) that has fallen or otherwise been removed from the tree and completely dried out is safe.  This deals with the possibly-toxic saps.  But wood being wood can absorb liquids, so be careful where you collect it.  And various fungi can live in dead wood for years.
I have tons of wood in my tanks, most is Malaysian Driftwood.  Some branches I have collected in the forest.
I didn't cut it. There was loads of it by a tree near my house. I collected load of it as I was planning to use it as a feature in my garden as there where really big pieces and plenty of it, and it came to me the idea of using it in a planted tank after. So I don't know how long it's been of the tree, it looked very dry and the bark was very dry to the point it was flaking off.
Every piece of wood (apart from driftwood) I put into my tanks grows white fungus on it.i have red moor in one of my tanks going through the process just now.i personally just scrub the wood on every water change till it goes.some people leave it to let it run its course naturally.it can end up totally covered though as it uses up its nutrients.
Byron said:
By "three weeks ago" do you mean you cut it from a live tree then?  Live wood should never be placed in an aquarium; it must be completely dead, and dry of any sap.  Hard wood (such as oak, beech, etc) that has fallen or otherwise been removed from the tree and completely dried out is safe.  This deals with the possibly-toxic saps.  But wood being wood can absorb liquids, so be careful where you collect it.  And various fungi can live in dead wood for years.
I have tons of wood in my tanks, most is Malaysian Driftwood.  Some branches I have collected in the forest.
I do not agree. There are indeed certain trees that are poisonous, but this doesn't mean you can't take wood straight from the tree. There are a lot of trees that are save to use. I have had branches that were cut from a live tree and I've never had any problems. However, it is to be noted that fresh branches will grow more fungus and it will be there for a longer period.
Most branches can best be cut in the winter since in that period the branches contain less saps.

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