What Is This Floating Around?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2012
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As many of you have said, the carbon bag is useless after a week. I realized mine was in there for about 2 years so today, I go to remove it.

My filter has three stages. (Aqua Clear 110) It has a big sponge at the bottom, then the carbon bag, then a bag of tiny rocks. I took out the bag of rocks, as it was on top of the carbon bag, and then removed the carbon bag. I then put the bag of rocks back on.

When I look in the tank, there is a lot of white stuff just floating around. Some were as big as a quarter coin.

What is this and what should I do? Thanks
use two foam inserts in the filter, that is best, get rid of everything else

never change them at the same time, rotate them
its probaly calcium, that was in the water in the filter
It could be a calcium deposit, or algae, or all sorts of 'gunk'. After two years, your filters probably are dirty. Take everything out, including the sponge, and give them a gentle wash in some old tank water; NOT under the tap!
hmm okay i dont get this? how often do you clean your filter? i have ceramic rings at bottom then 3 pieces of foam, then bio balls then foam and filter floss solid pieces don't get past my ceramic rings and my filter floss is always brown when i clean that out every so often i clean my filters once every month to 3 months depending on how dirty the tank is

like Question said it probably just calcium do you have a picture we could see?
I have something similar in my filter, I place mine in a big bowl of tank water and swish it around with a spoon, then dump and add more tank water and give it another swish before replacing it.

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