They aren't picky eaters. I've never had an issue getting them to eat flake. They do like veggies so a good flake that has a veggie component is good. They are huge fans of blood worms and daphnia or live worms if you can get them.
They are quite large when full grown, a few inches, they are shoaling fish so do best kept in groups (5 or more fish). Due to their size and the need to be in groups they require a large tank. While I've seen some say 30 gallons I personally feel 45-55 would be better and it should be aquascaped in such a way as to leave an open area for them to swim the length of the tank. So tall stuff in the back so they can swim in the front.
When they are healthy they have a great coloration but it totally fades in stressed fish. While many fish change color with stress I find the change in these guys is pretty obvious. You can really tell when you have healthy ones.