What Fish Is This?


New Member
Aug 24, 2012
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Hi guys,
I went to the fish store yesterday and got two more fish for my 10 gallon tank. I have 4 guppies in there. Let the tank cycle for a few weeks, and then picked these two fish up. The store lady said they were neon tetras, or that's what the sign said anyway. But from a quick google image search, they're clearly not neon tetras!!
I really like them, but I'm not sure what they are. Any ideas?

Thank you
Hi guys,
I went to the fish store yesterday and got two more fish for my 10 gallon tank. I have 4 guppies in there. Let the tank cycle for a few weeks, and then picked these two fish up. The store lady said they were neon tetras, or that's what the sign said anyway. But from a quick google image search, they're clearly not neon tetras!!
I really like them, but I'm not sure what they are. Any ideas?

Thank you
post a picture. :)
Sorry, I was having trouble uploading a photo. Here you go. Thanks!

The pics a bit small on my phone but they look like widow tetras that have been dyed ?
^ agreed, that's what they are, I'm sure.
That's interesting! I've got a 10 gallon tank with 4 fancy guppies and two of these. How are they dyed? Isn't that bad for the fish? :unsure: What's the lifespan on them? Will two be ok or should I get a few more?
I'm reading up on dyeing, and that's sad. I don't know why this would be done.
They're injected with the dye, I'm afraid :( Widow tetras normally live three to five years, but these might not live that long, although if they survive the injecting process they usually do live a normal lifespan. The dye will fade in time and they'll probably go back to being white.

I've always found widow tetras to be very nippy, especially if kept in small numbers, so I'd be worried about your guppies. They should be kept in groups of at least six, but I don't think you have room for that many in your tank :/
The phantoms appear to be different. The yellow widow tetra I have looks to be, from a quick search, naturally that color. An electric green tetra.
The one with the blue stripe up top may have been dyed(?).

That's a real shame :sad:. They seem to be getting along well with the guppies though. Haven't seen any nipping or aggression. The lady at the store didn't have much variety, I don't even think she had plain old neon tetras.

Any suggestions of what I should do/add to the tank? The water is staying nice and clean, lots of bubbles and plants to play with. I also planted some aponotgeton bulbs yesterday.
I thought they look like dyed lemon tetras from the pic although i am looking on i-phone!!!
Dyeing fish weakens the fish as it has been 'genetically enhanced' and also risks the whole strain/breed of fish as sometimes if they get back with normal fish they then breed weakening the natural strain of the fish and so on, and on and on!!
Do look nice mind!!
I thought they look like dyed lemon tetras from the pic although i am looking on i-phone!!!
Dyeing fish weakens the fish as it has been 'genetically enhanced' and also risks the whole strain/breed of fish as sometimes if they get back with normal fish they then breed weakening the natural strain of the fish and so on, and on and on!!
Do look nice mind!!
You're confusing dyed fish with genetically modified here, bud!

These are just dyed; no genetic manipulation involved. (And, likewise, in GM fish, there is no dying involved.)
Cheers FM .... Noted!!!
So does adding dye to a fish harm it? I could swear ive read somewherw that it does. Is it through sticking needles or something into it?! I definately read some article about it being cruel to fish and was frowned upon as a practice!!
Cheers for putting me right though bud!!
It is generally accepted that dyeing is painful (and stressful) to fish; many of them die having it done.

It's more or less like tattooing, but the needles they use for the fish are, of course, much bigger (in proportion) than those used for people.

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