Let's be clear here. By "immature tank," I do not mean an un-cycled tank. By "immature tank," I mean a tank that has just been cycled, or newly cycled. The definition of a mature tank would be a tank that has been cycled for at least six months. Please correct and/or clarify my definition of a mature tank.
For some fish, just as an example cardinal tetras, I always here that it is not recommended they be put into an immature tank. As I understand it, they are sensitive fish and may go belly-up if there was a mini-cycle. Therefore, waiting until the tank has matured is key because a mature tank will be less likely to go through a mini-cycle and kill the cardinal tetras.
What fish, then, are considered suitable for an immature tank?
For some fish, just as an example cardinal tetras, I always here that it is not recommended they be put into an immature tank. As I understand it, they are sensitive fish and may go belly-up if there was a mini-cycle. Therefore, waiting until the tank has matured is key because a mature tank will be less likely to go through a mini-cycle and kill the cardinal tetras.
What fish, then, are considered suitable for an immature tank?