What Fish And How Many


New Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Hi all,

We are new to the tropical fish scene and only into the 4th week of our tank, the tank is 150 litre in size and currently the water is good and stable on the dip strips, and to double check we also took some water into the shop for a more accurate test which was also fine. Ph was stable at 7 and the tank is sitting at 25 degrees.

We followed the advise for set up etc and left for 2 weeks prior to adding fish.

We were however, I think given some bad advise when choosing our first fish?

We currently have 5 tiger barbs (3 green and 2 tiger) 2 rosy barbs and 2 koi angel fish. Currently all is well in the tank but I have read conflicting info that the angel fish may not be the best companions for the nippy tiger barbs??

We would also like more fish, but would like advise on, how many fish the tank we have will support, would more be recommended etc and also what fish to mix with the barbs so the get along. I would like a shark of some kind if possible but obviously depends on compatibility.

As much info as possible would be fantastic.

Welcome. I have 8 barbs (4 tigers & 4 green) in with lemon & beacon tetras, harlequin rasboras & a Molly with no problems, touch wood!!
I love my barbs & when I get my 5ft rank will be adding four albino barbs too all being well.
Barbs can be a limitless unpredictable as I've heard some horror stories but mine have been fine. They chase & dominate each other but leave the other fish alone do I fear it may be pot luck as to how/if the barb is aggressive.
Likewise, my understanding is they do not go well with fish that have long finnage such as betas & angels

Welcome. I have 8 barbs (4 tigers & 4 green) in with lemon & beacon tetras, harlequin rasboras & a Molly with no problems, touch wood!!
I love my barbs & when I get my 5ft rank will be adding four albino barbs too all being well.
Barbs can be a limitless unpredictable as I've heard some horror stories but mine have been fine. They chase & dominate each other but leave the other fish alone do I fear it may be pot luck as to how/if the barb is aggressive.
Likewise, my understanding is they do not go well with fish that have long finnage such as bettas & angels but it is a general rule & not a specific one.
All I can suggest is monitor them & what to see if it is several of the barbs or one in particular that is attacking the Angels .... If they attack!!
Can't offer anything about sharks except I love the movie Jaws but that's it I'm afraid!! ☺.
Hope your barbs behave themselves & you get a nice peaceful tank!!
Welcome to the forum! I have 5 tiger barbs, 6 green tiger barbs and 7 albino tiger barbs. From experience I can tell you my barbs were aggressive towards other fish when I had only a few of them. They get easily bored and start nipping other fish. How big are the barbs you got? I would recommend to add a few more of them. If you want a different look/color, you can add some albino tigers or stick to the ones you already have. I would consider increasing the number of tiger barbs by 2 or 3 and making sure they are all fairly the same size. Im not too familiar with how large will the koi angelfish get, but as long as you keep up with the water changes, you should be fine.

Like Dazzler666 said, you should keep an eye on them just to be on the safe side. I love my barbs, and they behave well!

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