What Do You Think?

Yep I'd go for a few more plants ;-) nice set up tho!
Thanks guys. The vallis are starting to produce runners, so I'll keep replanting those along the back
Sophie said:
Is that a DD Angelfish?
He sure is. I was surprised to find him in my local P@H
If u didn't have the angelfish I would say put about 30 neon tetras in there :)
Noahs ark6 said:
Thanks guys. The vallis are starting to produce runners, so I'll keep replanting those along the back
Is that a DD Angelfish?
He sure is. I was surprised to find him in my local P@H
Yeah that's where I got my DD Angel.
I put the delivery of new fish out and couldn't resist!
Sophie, fotm!

Lovely tank Noah's, I'd say more plants too :)
Carpet plants! And some forwground plants. Maybe some amazon swords and cripts and some sag.
Personally, I get some stems in there for variety of texture and to fill in the back of the tank. Maybe some hygrophila or bacopa. I'm a fan of myriophyllum at the moment for some reason too and it'll give you a different texture to play with.
I agree with the carpet idea. Maybe some pogostemon helfrei or some staurogyne repens in a patch with some dwarf hairgrass.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, much appreciated. The lighting isn't too good so I think i'll go with some hairgrass, 3 more java ferns for the wood and some amazon sword. Thankfully the vallis has also thickened out since the pic. Thanks again- I'll post a pic of the updated tank when I get the plants
tell you what some lovely crpyts at the front would look amazing
close to the rocks in the middle left
nice tank and i love the angel fish
and @sophie i totally agree FotM winner there

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