Fish Fanatic
Unfortunately, due to lack of information given to me about how an Uncycled tank can cause fish so many problems, I now need advice on one of my little fry who was born into this Uncycled tank. Basically he's not right....he's so so tiny yet he is five weeks old, and when I say tiny I mean tiny...he's no bigger than other fry I have who are only days old. One minute he's swimming about happily, then the next he's just still in one position for ages, then moves somewhere else and stays there for ages. I did transfer him to another (cycled) tank a few days ago, but he's struggling with the water flow in the tank, which for the other fry is fine, but due to him being so tiny he's getting pushed and pulled by the smallest of currents. This morning I had no choice but to put him back into the breeder box because he's just no energy it seems to swim away from the current even though it's a very gentle current? However...he's still eating and plodding on!!! Any advice? Do I leave him in the box or back in the other tank?