What do cory cats eat?

Pretty much all fish food which will sink to the bottom, flakes, pellets, bits, bloodworms, tubifex.
Hi Final Dynazty :)

Corys do best when they have some meaty food, such as worms; some veggies, such as spirulina discs or algae wafers; and a flake or pelleted basic food which will provide the rest of their needed nutrients.

They are particularly fond of live (or frozen) blackworms and tubifex worms. :D
Well the tank there in gets fed bloodworms(frozen) tetra flakes, and betta pellets. What vegetables do they like? and how would i prepare it? I will deff. try and get some algae wafers.

whats up Inch worm?
Hi Final Dynazty :)

I use Wardley's Spirulina discs instead of algae wafers or actual vegetables. Spirulina is a form of algae and Wardley makes good ones that soften well and are small enough to break in half, or quarters if necessary. It also holds together and can stay in the tank for up to 12 hours. Then, if there is still any left, you can remove it.

If the other fish eat it before the corys have a chance, just drop it in at night and the corys will get their share in the dark. :D

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