What Could I Put In My Tank (Either 10 Or 14 Gallons)


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I have an empty 10 gallon and was wondering what interesting fish would I put in there?

We already have bettas, so preferably not bettas.

I do have my male betta in the 14 gallon so I could potentially move him to the 10 and get something for the 14 gallon (although I'd rather leave him where he is).
I have an empty 10 gallon and was wondering what interesting fish would I put in there?

We already have bettas, so preferably not bettas.

I do have my male betta in the 14 gallon so I could potentially move him to the 10 and get something for the 14 gallon (although I'd rather leave him where he is).
In the 15 gal you coud have so many diffrent types of fish. what are you intrested in? but in the 14gal you could have corys, tetras, gouramis, apistogramma. and many many more.
What are the dimensions of the tank, is your water hard or soft and from how far away will you mostly be looking at the tank?
10 gal
- 6 Neon Tetras
- 4 Pygmy Corys
- M/F pair of Apistogramma [One of the smaller ones like Hongsloi.]

14 gal
- 10 Chili Rasbora
- 4 Otocinclus
- M/F pair of Dwarf gourami
I have an empty 10 gallon and was wondering what interesting fish would I put in there?

We already have bettas, so preferably not bettas.

I do have my male betta in the 14 gallon so I could potentially move him to the 10 and get something for the 14 gallon (although I'd rather leave him where he is).
In the 15 gal you coud have so many diffrent types of fish. what are you intrested in? but in the 14gal you could have corys, tetras, gouramis, apistogramma. and many many more.

I do like bettas but I'd like a change. The 14 gallon is 24" long by about 12" and 12" wide. The 10 gallon is 12" wide, probably 20" wide (I can measure properly if need be), I think it's 14" tall.

I just fancy something different (and colourful), we have a male betta, I don't want female bettas (thats what the tank had in it), neons, rasbora, pygmy and venezuelan black cories, various snails, cherry shrimp, bumble bee shrimp. Newts and axolotls :)
^ I should add they are not all in the same tank

10 gal
- 6 Neon Tetras
- 4 Pygmy Corys
- M/F pair of Apistogramma [One of the smaller ones like Hongsloi.]

14 gal
- 10 Chili Rasbora
- 4 Otocinclus
- M/F pair of Dwarf gourami

Would a pair of apistogramma, definately fit in? one of our LFS does sell a good selection of them :)
If it was one of the smaller ones and it was a pair, I recommend a pair of A. Hongsloi, A. Baenschi or A. Macmasteri.
And you would need to provide plenty of caves.

TekFish :good:
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