Weather Warning!


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2012
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According to the weather man we are in for a very rough night weather wise with a good chance of power cuts. Just wondering how long my fish could survive without heat ot filtration if the worst happens?

Thanx in advance
If you think the power might go out, wrap the tank up with some blankets/duvets to conserve the heat. Do a water change when the power comes back, but your filter bacteria should easily survive.
Wrapping the tanks in a blanket or towel will insulate them a little. Also make sure the filter media stays wet. I had an HOB filter that whenever it turned off it  emptied the box where the media is. If your power goes out for a while, check to see if the media is staying wet inside the filter. If not, then place it in the tank until your power returns and the filter is running again.
Blankets at the ready! Filter media should be fine, I have 1 internal filter and the other external holds the water when its off. The lights have just started to flicker, not a good sign. This is what I get for moving halfway up a mountain.
My power has been out for about 6 hours now.
I wrapped my tank with 2 blankets last night.
Just woke up and my tank water has only dropped by 1 degree celcius in those 6 hours overnight.

I have an internal so not worried about filter but am going to use my egg whisk thingy to oxygenate the water as well.

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