Fish Crazy
im still in a fish in cycle as you will know if you have read throug my other threads,
my question is this, regarding ammonia testing
I tested my tank with a dipstick style test strip - possible results are 0, 0.5, 1, 2-5, 6-8 or something like that, the test showed 0
i tested my tank with the api master kit and it showed 0.25 ammonia,
now for the sake of an arguement why should I do water changes ? because in theory if i didnt have the API kit I wouldnt know and would leave the tank for that day ?
just to add I am doing daily changes of upto 50% depending on readings and so far my ammonia hasnt risen above 0.25, bearing in mind I test in the evening around 5pm after work, change the water then its not touched till the next evening.
my question is this, regarding ammonia testing
I tested my tank with a dipstick style test strip - possible results are 0, 0.5, 1, 2-5, 6-8 or something like that, the test showed 0
i tested my tank with the api master kit and it showed 0.25 ammonia,
now for the sake of an arguement why should I do water changes ? because in theory if i didnt have the API kit I wouldnt know and would leave the tank for that day ?
just to add I am doing daily changes of upto 50% depending on readings and so far my ammonia hasnt risen above 0.25, bearing in mind I test in the evening around 5pm after work, change the water then its not touched till the next evening.