Water Test Kit V Strips Test Kits


Jul 16, 2013
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I always see comments that paper test strips are unreliable and to always get liquid test kits. What I wanted to know is

which is best?

Evidence that paper kits aren't reliable.
My API 5 in 1 test strips have always roughly matched the results I get from the API master test kit in terms of PH, NO2-, and NO3- unfortunately they do not have an ammonia test on them. I don't think saying they are unreliable is totally fair but in "accuracy" terms the comparison scales on the test strips are of a wider range for example the Nitrate increases 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, 200 whereas on the master liquid kit you have 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 to compare against to get less "coarse" readings however with a bit of artistic licence you can estimate between readings if you get between shades of colour
Am assuming you are speaking of Freshwater test kits rather than Marine.
Kiryarcher above, has made a fair comment especially when comes to determining the readings on the colour charts.
There is a lot of debate about which test kits are best.
For value for money I'd say API Freshwater Master Test Kit are pretty good, this will test for ph, high range ph, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Usually £20 to £35.
However do bear in mind that nitrate test can be unreliable as well , mainly due to the fact that nitrates test contains two bottles of solution, then 2nd bottle has to be shaken extremely well and this can lead to inaccurate readings.
I am at the moment trying out Nutrafin Master Test kit, it is ok and has extra tests for phosphate, and calcium.
TBH not much better than API test kit and is more expensive.
There is a Maidenhead Aquatics Master Test Kit  that has had a fairly good review.
There are also test kits that comes in powder form, such as Salifert, a bit more expensive since those can only be purchased separately, i have not tried these and do not know enough to really comment on this form of powder test kits, but do believe these are more accurate.
Lab grade kits will be the no.1 most accurate kits you will be able to get but these are immensely expensive.
Another option is digital readers such as TDS meters and colorimeters etc will be very good at testing your water parameters but again, very expensive. More used for marine tank set ups I believe.
In all honesty I think API does the job perfectly fine for the average aquarist and no need for high tech equipment unless you going for specific or hard to breed species or looking after very specific stockings. 
Thanks guys. Was just wondering why so many threads say only use liquid test kits but don't back up why.

I use king British 5 in 1 strips and ammonia strips and always get consistent readings.

Nitrates go 0 10 25 50 100 250 500 ( big jumps from half way)

Thanks again
I have both. I use the test strips as a quickie check, they can at least give alert that something may not be quite right. If a reading sets off alarm bells then i bring out the liquid test to fine tune..
I rarely use either unless something doesnt "look" right with a tank.....as with now, i have a tank as cloudy as ever. It will get a full test tomorrow to see what its doing, test strips just wont do the job i need done on this tank

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