Water Temp


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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I know this might be a stupid question, but I put my hand in my aquarium today and the water felt cool, the thermometer reads 25 degrees centigrade but the water doesn't feel warm at all. Is this the same for everyone? my heater is working because my light comes on and off.
During the winter my tank water feels very warm on my hand, but in the summer it feels a lot cooler. A lot depends on your body temperature so if your hands are cold the water will feel warm and vice versa. The weather is warming up slightly so this may explain why you feel the water is cooler. 
If you are that worried I would get a spare thermometer just to make sure the one you have is not faulty. 
Twentyfive degrees will not feel warm as it less than human body temp. If the light on your heater comes on & off its obviously working. I wouldn't worry about it unless the thermometer you have changes. I keep my tank at an indicated 25, it also feels cool.
Mine feels cool at 25. I've nudged my heater up to 27oC. Hoping that improves the growth of bacteria.
It all depends on the temperature of the room/outside temperature.  I wouldn't be worried if your thermometer says it's at the right temp.

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