Fish Crazy
Hi all 
I'm on day 8 of cycling a new 10 gal tank (1st time I'm attempting to cycle a tank). Not surprisingly, nothing has really happened (ammonia between 2&4 ppm, 0 nitrites/nitrates).
My concern is that about an inch and a half of water has evaporated. Does it matter how much water evaporates? Should I add more water - if so, do I add more ammonia ... Dechlorinator?
I'm on day 8 of cycling a new 10 gal tank (1st time I'm attempting to cycle a tank). Not surprisingly, nothing has really happened (ammonia between 2&4 ppm, 0 nitrites/nitrates).
My concern is that about an inch and a half of water has evaporated. Does it matter how much water evaporates? Should I add more water - if so, do I add more ammonia ... Dechlorinator?