Water Dispenser Filter


Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I am moving house next month and am going to take the opportunity while we are redecorating and replastering to plumb in mains water to drip into the tanks, then an overflow to remove excess water.  This should give me constantly good water.
If I can adjust the flow, maybe using a timer, to 30% of the tank volume per week then I assume that I could use untreated water.  It would of course with the drip system come into the tank so slowly that the temperature of the tank would be stable.
If, however I wanted to clean up the water would a filtration unit like you add to the water supply to a fridge/freezer with an ice/water dispenser - be any good?  RO units seem very expensive, particularly if I don't need one!
What do you think?
This is the type of filter I am thinking of:
That's basically what I've started using. Mine is an under the sink type from B&Q "Aqua Shield Water Filter Cartridge" (UK)  

and can just push fit suitable diameter hose on the ends, and has a stated 6 month life span I understand it is capable of reducing Chlorine and generally everything most activated carbon elements are capable of removing,
I have looked into the same thing and have a similar cartridge on my american fridge.  They (well my filters) contain carbon and other stuff which I believe removes most of the chlorine but they also remove quite a few of the trace elements/minerals too so you could end up with a tank with very few trace minerals which could be fairly essential to some inverterbrates and fish...
I've seen RO units for around £90 in my LFS which seems very reasonable...Not sure what the maintainance would be though.
The one's I've seen used were HMA filters, which are slightly more complicated but aren't too bad for changes of cartridges (think RO filter without the RO bit).

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