I am moving house next month and am going to take the opportunity while we are redecorating and replastering to plumb in mains water to drip into the tanks, then an overflow to remove excess water. This should give me constantly good water.
If I can adjust the flow, maybe using a timer, to 30% of the tank volume per week then I assume that I could use untreated water. It would of course with the drip system come into the tank so slowly that the temperature of the tank would be stable.
If, however I wanted to clean up the water would a filtration unit like you add to the water supply to a fridge/freezer with an ice/water dispenser - be any good? RO units seem very expensive, particularly if I don't need one!
What do you think?
This is the type of filter I am thinking of:

I am moving house next month and am going to take the opportunity while we are redecorating and replastering to plumb in mains water to drip into the tanks, then an overflow to remove excess water. This should give me constantly good water.
If I can adjust the flow, maybe using a timer, to 30% of the tank volume per week then I assume that I could use untreated water. It would of course with the drip system come into the tank so slowly that the temperature of the tank would be stable.
If, however I wanted to clean up the water would a filtration unit like you add to the water supply to a fridge/freezer with an ice/water dispenser - be any good? RO units seem very expensive, particularly if I don't need one!
What do you think?
This is the type of filter I am thinking of: