I have recently began stocking my tank, The tank its self has been a bit of a nightmare to start up, i had massive algae issues which i got under control. now now i have a few dead fish!
Before starting to stock my tank, i made sure it was stable, so for 2 weeks before putting fish in, i did tests using my API Freshwater test kit. Everything looked fine for the fishies! (amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <5ppm)
I dont know how much further on we are now. But slowly i have added small amounts of fish to this tank. it contained (as of tuesday night)
(Added before Algae problems)
1 Striped Golden Apple Snail.
(added Week 1)
2 German Rams,
2 Red Rams,
(added Week 2)
2 Bristle Nose Plecs
2 Ottos
(Added week 3)
5 Pygmy Corridoras
Yesterday morning i came in to find the 2 German Rams Dead. The red Rams seemed to have their Gils out and breathing heavily. the other fish, however, seemed fine!
i did a water test, and the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate were off the charts! I did a 25% water change (as thats all the RO I had) The Red Rams calmed down and got back to their usual selves, and the corries went abouttheir usual routine, the plecs are more active and the ottos seem fine too.
I come in thisw morning, and the RAMS are doign the same thing (GILS puffed out, and breathign heavily) So i do another water check, and things have got better (a bit...) The ammonia is sitting at 0.25ppm (obviously not ideal, but better than the 8ppm+ that is was yesterday), my nitrite is either 2 or 5ppm (colours are very similar i cant tell them apeart!) and my Nitrate is currently sitting at 80ppm. with levels like this - how the hell do i still have fish?
Aside from switching to new ferts (Aqua Nourish, and Nourish +) i have changed nothing in this tank. I been using them for a week today, and done 2 water changes in that time (in the process of a third)
Is it the ferts? or could it be something else? Is there any way i can get this more stable without daily water changes? (i have been off work ill this week, so not such an issue, but when i am back this might go bad!)
My set up is as follows:
Tank: 60x30x36cm(24x12x15inch)
Filter: 1100lph Canister with built in UV Sterlizer
Lighting: 1 24W sera Daylight t5, 1 24W Arcadia Plant Pro (on between 10am-8pm)
Heater: Inline 300w
Temp: 26C
CO2: D-D Pressurised System with Solenoid (Works between 10am-8pm)
I have recently began stocking my tank, The tank its self has been a bit of a nightmare to start up, i had massive algae issues which i got under control. now now i have a few dead fish!
Before starting to stock my tank, i made sure it was stable, so for 2 weeks before putting fish in, i did tests using my API Freshwater test kit. Everything looked fine for the fishies! (amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <5ppm)
I dont know how much further on we are now. But slowly i have added small amounts of fish to this tank. it contained (as of tuesday night)
(Added before Algae problems)
1 Striped Golden Apple Snail.
(added Week 1)
2 German Rams,
2 Red Rams,
(added Week 2)
2 Bristle Nose Plecs
2 Ottos
(Added week 3)
5 Pygmy Corridoras
Yesterday morning i came in to find the 2 German Rams Dead. The red Rams seemed to have their Gils out and breathing heavily. the other fish, however, seemed fine!
i did a water test, and the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate were off the charts! I did a 25% water change (as thats all the RO I had) The Red Rams calmed down and got back to their usual selves, and the corries went abouttheir usual routine, the plecs are more active and the ottos seem fine too.
I come in thisw morning, and the RAMS are doign the same thing (GILS puffed out, and breathign heavily) So i do another water check, and things have got better (a bit...) The ammonia is sitting at 0.25ppm (obviously not ideal, but better than the 8ppm+ that is was yesterday), my nitrite is either 2 or 5ppm (colours are very similar i cant tell them apeart!) and my Nitrate is currently sitting at 80ppm. with levels like this - how the hell do i still have fish?
Aside from switching to new ferts (Aqua Nourish, and Nourish +) i have changed nothing in this tank. I been using them for a week today, and done 2 water changes in that time (in the process of a third)
Is it the ferts? or could it be something else? Is there any way i can get this more stable without daily water changes? (i have been off work ill this week, so not such an issue, but when i am back this might go bad!)
My set up is as follows:
Tank: 60x30x36cm(24x12x15inch)
Filter: 1100lph Canister with built in UV Sterlizer
Lighting: 1 24W sera Daylight t5, 1 24W Arcadia Plant Pro (on between 10am-8pm)
Heater: Inline 300w
Temp: 26C
CO2: D-D Pressurised System with Solenoid (Works between 10am-8pm)