I've got a 4ft tropical (355L) with an Aqua One 1000 and a TetraTec In Plus 1000 running for filtration and I'm finally happy with what I've got for now (Plus 2 powerheads for circulation)
I've been doing weekly water changes of 20% religiously and was wondering...Now that i have better filtration (Roughly 2000L/H) will i still have to do 20% weekly water changes or can i leave it for a bit longer?
I've got a well stocked and varied tank so what do you guys think?
I've been doing weekly water changes of 20% religiously and was wondering...Now that i have better filtration (Roughly 2000L/H) will i still have to do 20% weekly water changes or can i leave it for a bit longer?
I've got a well stocked and varied tank so what do you guys think?