Water Change In Tropical Tank - First Time


Mostly New Member
May 14, 2014
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Hi Guys, 
This is my first week of tropical fishkeeping and theyre due a water change today - my question is this:
How do I do a water change so that I dont shock the fish with the difference in temperature? 
Do I take the fish out of the tank and then clean/change water - or do I leave the fish in, use the algae magnet, clean the filter and pour the dechlorinated new water into the tank with the fish? 
I used to take my goldfish out but the guppies jump and I nearly lost one already to hopping! any suggestions? I am worried about pouring water in that isnt to the right temp and shocking the fish
The temperature needs to be roughly the same, but you can match it with your hand; there's no need to get it thermometer accurate. You can use boiling water from the kettle (or hot water from the tap, if you have combi boiler), to mix in to get it warm enough.

You don't take the fish out. It's best to use a syphon/gravel cleaner to remove the water so you can clean up the poo and any uneaten food at the same time.

Clean the filter in some of the old tank water; not too much, just to get the worst of the clumps of dirt off.

Try to pour the new water in gently (I pour it over the back of my hand), but don't worry about it too much. As long as you're not tipping in buckets of cold water, your fish will be fine
Thanks. I have a siphon so alls good there. Ive got a 60l tank and was going to just do a 10% water change. I just got the fish last week so thought that would be fine? One of my fish has recently died of fin rot so should I do more? I am also medicating the tank incase there is other fish with rot.
Did you cycle your tank before you added fish to it?

Most people aim to do between 30 and 50% water changes weekly, but if your tank isn't cycled, you'll need to be doing a lot more; probably daily, depending on how many fish you have. Do you have test kits at all?
Yes it was fully cycled. Just ran out of strips. I've got 2 guppies and 2 codys

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