Water Change And Spawning Question.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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So my kribs spawned yesterday. Its been about a week and a half since my last partial water change and gravel vacuuming. I usually do this every week to two weeks.

But I really don't want to disturb the eggs or parents. Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
Try doing a water change just by siphoning the water from mid height in the tank ( you may need to put a net over the end of the whatever you use as a siphon hose) and don't gravel vacuum. For the new water set up a couple of buckets of water prior to siphoning and add your water conditioner/ ager, I often add a battery power air pump to help dissolve and disperse the chemical. Then gently pour the newly treated water back to your tank. To break up the heavy stream of water coming in from a bucket or jug a vegetable strainer or flour sifter can be good to pour the water through, this will make it more like rain on the water surface.

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