A few of my fish had Ich recently which I was able to treat pretty quickly. I'm just wondering what I should be doing now that it's gone, like how much of a water change should I do? I have a siphon, will this be good enough to clean the gravel with or should I take it all out to rinse it?
My tank is a 10 gallon with Bettas.
Nothing beyond the normal is necessary. I don't know what treatment for ich you used, but remember that two full weeks is recommended to ensure success.
During the two-week period, water changes should be normal, meaning at least once a week; add sufficient "medication" (whatever you used) for the volume of the replacement water only. After the two weeks, or longer if deemed necessary (different treatments sometimes take longer) do the normal weekly water change, and clean the substrate. If increased heat was part of the treatment, after two weeks slowly return the tank to the normal temperature by turning down the heaters. The partial water change can be a bit cooler, just avoid significant drop0s in temperature as this can stress fish and cause ich. Many believe that this parasite is permanently in our aquaria, and only needs serious stress to the fish to break out, so avoiding stress especially now when the fish are in a somewhat weakened state is wise.