Coo, Man
It wasn't really a fish shop it was an exotic pet store and any way, this bloke with his son and daughter walked in. They said to the attendant that they were there to do the whole lot. So they went ahead and purchased a 30 liter aquarium and filter. They picked up the cheap ornaments you always see at pet stores ( e.g fluorescent castles ). Then they headed to the fish. I was behind the fish food shelves and I looked over the top at the bloke and his kids. Alarm bells went off in my head.... They were heading for the cichlids. 5 mins later they got the attendant to get out their fish. They had chosen ( horror music plays ) 2 oscars , 12 neon tetras and 2 pictus catfish. So they went ahead and purchased these fish without a heater and headed on out the store. Anyone had similar experiences?