Want To Start A New Tropical Tank


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
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Hi,I have a love for many types of animals and fish are one of them. I am looking to start a new Tropical tank but I am unsure on what I will need to put in the tank and if there is anything I will need to do before I put the fish into the tank?
Thank You
Hi, have a read about cycling your tank. Feel free to post any questions afterward.

Welcome to the forum! :)

A good way to start is to research every detail BEFORE purchasing your fish. Then decide which type of cycle is best for you. If you like hard work a fish-in cycle is perfectly doable. The more recommended route is a fish-less cycle however, you can sit back and wait it out with no extra effort. Then when the tank is ready you can pop in all of your fish at once.

A good thing is decide in general the types of fish you would consider keeping, that will help you decide how large of a tank you will need. Fish are not all compatible either while your tank is cycling you can plan a stocking list where all fish will be happy.

Beginners Resource
Hold on! I thought you had a tank already? http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/403857-have-a-tank-but-am-i-doing-it-right/page__p__3400276#entry3400276

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Hold on! I thought you had a tank already? http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/403857-have-a-tank-but-am-i-doing-it-right/page__p__3400276#entry3400276

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I think she's succumbing to MTS

TekFish :good:
Yes, maybe. But then the questions in the first post should not be asked as she should know. Right?
Yes, maybe. But then the questions in the first post should not be asked as she should know. Right?

I had a tank and I didn't know about cycling then I found the forum, got a new tank and cycled that one properly [pats self on back]:good:

TekFish :good:

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