Very Loud Fluval U4, Help!


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
So after having a nightmare recently with my tank I decided better filtration was the answer. I have a 125 litre tank and have bought a Fluval U4 to over compensate.
I have installed it tonight, transferring all of my old media from my fluval plus 3 and although it works wonderfully it is SO loud! One of the reasons I bought this filter was because people said how silent it was, but this most definitely isn't! I'm hoping its something to do with the fact it is new but its so rattely and I can hear water trickling sound, although the venturi is closed and the filter outlet is under the water?
Anyone had this trouble or know how to quieten it down?
Probably air bubbles trapped in it :) common with new filters..

Whilst its running, take it off its stand and tip it horizontal and give it a good shake underwater to dislodge the air.

I would also be worth checking the impeller is ok and not snapped and that its cover is on right so its not rattling.
Also are you using the top outlet, I changed my outlet to the spray and it made a difference?
Yeah sung the top one at the moment, might have a play and see which I find to be better over time.
I'll have a shake around and see if it improves! I did check the impeller before popping it in the tank and everything looked fine.
Hi there,
So after having a nightmare recently with my tank I decided better filtration was the answer. I have a 125 litre tank and have bought a Fluval U4 to over compensate.
I have installed it tonight, transferring all of my old media from my fluval plus 3 and although it works wonderfully it is SO loud! One of the reasons I bought this filter was because people said how silent it was, but this most definitely isn't! I'm hoping its something to do with the fact it is new but its so rattely and I can hear water trickling sound, although the venturi is closed and the filter outlet is under the water?
Anyone had this trouble or know how to quieten it down?
The rattling is either because you dont have enough of the ceramic bio balls in or you didnt remove the clear bag there in lol. Failing that its definately the impeller thats causing the sound. Occasionaly i get a build up of sand of fine slate particles causing that sound. Check your impeller is working correctly. I have this filter and it is whisper quiet and a all round great filter!
Well the shaking hasn't improved anything =\
I guess I will have to have a look at it over the weekend and see what it is.
I put all of the ceramic bio balls in that were in the plastic packaging, I have also got a little bag (well cut up tights) of coral gravel in there as I was advised to do this to prevent a PH crash again.
It seemed pretty sturdy, like no rattling from them but I will have to take it apart and have a proper look over the weekend.
Also, I am rethinking my aqua scape after having the upset of losing lots of fish over the past couple of weeks and feel like a fresh start is in order, so if anyone has a tank of 125 litres or near that size could you post some pics up for me to get an idea? I am awful at aquascaping, to the point where I have to get my mom to help. I wish I could just emily someone to do it for me!!
I like to thought of a large piece of boxwood/driftwood that is quite high, so the fish can swim in an around it, with lots of greenery! But natural amazonian look.
Might be your problem then...

Try taking the bag of coral gravel out and see if that affects the noice, with it in, your are slowing the flow considerably and putting a lot of pressure on the impeller (if you look at the blue tray that the biomedia is in, you will see it draws the water right through that tray!

The pressure on the impeller is probably enough to make it rattle (and potentially snap)
Its only a very small bag, and isn't tightly packed, but if that is the case, where do you suggest I put it?
Well... in might be the way its just sitting, who knows with technology! :lol:

Just see if that is the cause first but if it is, the coral sand only has to be in the tank, not necessarily in the filter, it will still effect the water just by being there. Kinda like when people keep marines or malawis, they use coral sand as a substrate to keep the ph, kh and gh higher. :good:
Yeah that's my reason for using it as my PH went right down to 6.2 so I'm trying to raise it back up. I have sand though, so the gravel will be obvious if I just use a bit of it as substrate =\
I'll have to see if it is even that yet, as you say it may just be the impellor needs tweaking.
Get some nylon pop socks and put the Coral Gravel in that and hang it close to the filter outlet, you can always hide it with a tall plant or something.
I had the same problem with my U3! It took about 4-6 weeks before it became silent, it drove me crazy! as soon as i take it out of the water, i have another 4-6 weeks of noise to look forward to!
Yeah the gravel is currently in the toe end of some tights haha! I might try hanging it just by the filter and that is disguised by plants as it is. But I'll see if that is the problem first as it sounds like it may be the impellor to me, as it sounds lower down.

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