Hi there,
Yesterday I made my first fish purchase in a looong time! Many of my shoaling fish have died due to old age, and the tank was looking very bare. I came away with 12 Penguin Tetras and 3 teeny tiny Venezuelan Black Corys.
These have to be the smallest Corys I have ever bought so they must be very juvenile.
I have kept cory's for a while now, and know that some are more active that other but what concerns me is that out of the 3, one (which is the largest of them) has quite large barbells and is very active, swimming all around the tank, up and down the glass, snuffling around for food. Where as the other two, have very small barbells, more like stumps if anything and are much more sedentary. They tend to hang out with my older cory's underneath the filter where the flow is lightest.
I have adjusted my output and turned it right down incase the current was bothering them, but still not seen much action.
I know they are probably still settling in but I am just wary with them being so small and more or less barbell-less whether they are ill or may they not survive?
I know the barbells have the potential to grow back (or grow at all, could it be possible they are too small to have them yet?) but will it massively affect them at this point?

Here is a pic of the largest one, and one of the less active ones next to it.
Yesterday I made my first fish purchase in a looong time! Many of my shoaling fish have died due to old age, and the tank was looking very bare. I came away with 12 Penguin Tetras and 3 teeny tiny Venezuelan Black Corys.
These have to be the smallest Corys I have ever bought so they must be very juvenile.
I have kept cory's for a while now, and know that some are more active that other but what concerns me is that out of the 3, one (which is the largest of them) has quite large barbells and is very active, swimming all around the tank, up and down the glass, snuffling around for food. Where as the other two, have very small barbells, more like stumps if anything and are much more sedentary. They tend to hang out with my older cory's underneath the filter where the flow is lightest.
I have adjusted my output and turned it right down incase the current was bothering them, but still not seen much action.
I know they are probably still settling in but I am just wary with them being so small and more or less barbell-less whether they are ill or may they not survive?
I know the barbells have the potential to grow back (or grow at all, could it be possible they are too small to have them yet?) but will it massively affect them at this point?

Here is a pic of the largest one, and one of the less active ones next to it.