

I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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Hey guys, my bad luck with buying fish hasn't failed me yet and I have a bunch of fish with velvet. I coppered the tanks a week and a half ago on the 31st of July. Now I am a little frustrated because I am not seeing the gold flecks disappearing. I have to use a flashlight to see it but all the fish are still nicely dusted. I have done a 5 day blackout on the tank but it hasn't seemed to help much.

Any advice? Is there anything else I haven't though of maybe or an alternate treatment for velvet? OR should I just be waiting this out. I wasn't sure how long it takes to get rid of velvet. Thanks.
Euch, I hate velvet, horrible disease, you're not having much luck are you.

Best results I've had with velvet have been to up the temperature to the top end your fish are capable of, copper the water for a good 10 days to 2 weeks and blackout the tank entirely if at all possible (velvet photosynthetises). Some people add aquarium salt but I've always had cories when I was treating it.

None of this will help your actual fish, as it's all aimed at the free swimming stage (much like treating ich). You can also get proper antiprotazoal meds but I've no idea what's available in the states.

Oh, and make sure you've got the carbon out of the filter if you're treating.
Copper has been in for 2 weeks and after a 7 day blackout the cories have stopped being active completely. Still completely gold dusted.

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