Using fish flakes has two problems.
Modern flakes are designed so they don't make much ammonia.
With flakes you have no idea how much ammonia is actually going into the water so you can't know if you have grown enough ammonia to get a lot of fish after the cycle. You have to stock slowly as for fish-in cycling.
Using a bottle of ammonia is far easier and means you can get all but the more sensitive fish (ie fish that do better in mature tanks) once the cycle has finished. But don't use 4 ppm, 3 ppm is plenty. The method for using ammonia is written up here If followed exactly, it won't generate enough nitrite to stall the cycle, which is what happens if too much ammonia is added. If you look at the How To Tips at the top of the page you'll find the calculator. At the bottom of the calculator is the dosage calculator for ammonia.
Since the anubias on its own won't use much ammonia (and a lot of plants in a tank avoids the need for fishless cycling, but I mean a
lot of plants) you'll need to use the full 3 ppm ammonia for cycling. But I would take the plant out during cycling - since anubias is grown attached to decor that shouldn't be a problem. Just keep it in a container of water till it can go back in the tank.