Ok so I have the small school, if you can call 3 a school, of upside down catfish. The one with the popeye is all healed up and doing well. Now I am concerned that the largest of the three may be somewhat predatory and am curious to get some feedback on this. The research I had done suggested these cats make good community fish. I have noticed when the larger, he is about 2 inches, comes out of the cave he can be somewhat aggressive in that he tends to chase some of the other fish around.
The fish he chases are his size or slightly larger. Here over the past day or two I have noticed a couple fish missing and have only been able to find remnants of them which are mostly eaten. The latest is my male Praecox Rainbow. I have a 120 gal. tank planted with 4 quarter size angel fish, 12 tetra, 6 harlequin rasbora, 1.5" BNP, 2 in rubber lip pleco, 5 panda cory and 5 bala sharks and 2 females Praecox Rainbow.
I do not see signs of aggression from my other fish this is the only one I have seen behave this way at all. The other two USD cats seem mellow and come out during the day and hang out with everyone. The large one stays in his cave and only comes out once all the lights are out.
The fish he chases are his size or slightly larger. Here over the past day or two I have noticed a couple fish missing and have only been able to find remnants of them which are mostly eaten. The latest is my male Praecox Rainbow. I have a 120 gal. tank planted with 4 quarter size angel fish, 12 tetra, 6 harlequin rasbora, 1.5" BNP, 2 in rubber lip pleco, 5 panda cory and 5 bala sharks and 2 females Praecox Rainbow.
I do not see signs of aggression from my other fish this is the only one I have seen behave this way at all. The other two USD cats seem mellow and come out during the day and hang out with everyone. The large one stays in his cave and only comes out once all the lights are out.