Urgent Help Please (I Think)

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Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2015
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I bought some api testers last night after having used strips for the last two years.
I have the following

0.25 ammonia
0 nitrite
40-80 nitrate
7.6 and above ph. I need a high range tester sat.

My problem is I did a 50% water change last night after the tests to lower nitrate and ammonia. It's exactly the same readings again tonight.

My tap water has the same readings for nitrate, where can I get different water to reduce nitrate, rain water maybe?? Heated up to correct temp, I need to maintain the quality due to the fact two filaments and my big cichlid have started to develop fin rot.

Tank is a 190l corner tank running around 26/27 degrees.
Ok, a few things...

First, depending on the dechlorinator you are using, you could be getting a false reading of the 0.25 ammonia.

Second, the nitrates aren't terribly high. The goal is usually to keep the nitrate about 40ppm above the tap levels. You could use rain water, but that also adds other issues. You could buy RO water... but that's not really necessary.

You could add some floating plants which would take up nitrogen to grow in the tank. Cichlids with rooted plants doesn't work very well... but they do work with floating plants. Hornwort or duckweed, whatever you can find.
^what eagles said^ ... plenty of plants will keep nitrate under control but if you have a fish with fin rot it needs a treatment ... there are plenty on the market but I like Waterlife as a brand. Always worked for me :)

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