Upgrading from 10 gallon aquarium to 2O gallon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2017
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I am getting a new 20 gallon aquarium and gonna do a fishless cycle. I am gonna add the male swordtail I have in my 10 gallon tank. Gonna use Tetra Safestsrt and if when 2 weeks are up and cycled, I am guessing that is when to put him in. I got this suggestion on another forum for stocking ideas.
How about this stocking?
1 Swordtail
8 panda cories
6-8 skirt tetras or 8-10 CPD
1 honey gourami

Would like to know if I hafta go by a male to female ratio or does it matter? After I have the swordtail in the tank, I read I should wait 2 weeks to see how he does. When I add more fish after that, which ones should I add next? I don't want to add them all at once and mess anything up. Thanks in advance.
First question...can you give us the dimensions of the 20g? The standard or "high" is 24 inches (60 cm) length, but the "long" is 30 inches (76 cm), and this is important when it comes to fish activity levels.

Whichever size, I would forget Black Skirt Tetras. This is often a fin nipper, and in this small a space (to the fish this is quite a small space) this can get worse. Especially if sedate fish like gourami are included; they will invariably be fin nipped to death.

The other thing to track down is water parameters. Hardness (GH) and pH especially. You should be able to find these on your municipal water authority's website, or by asking them. Swordtails need moderately hard water, while the gourami and cories are moderately soft with some adaptability. The actual numbers will sort this out.

It's standard. I haven't had anyone say not to get the skirt tetras. I do have hard water. I end up with hard water stains on the aquarium hood of my 10 gallon. What do you think I should get to stock it?
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It's standard. I haven't had anyone say not to get the skirt tetras. I do have hard water. I end up with hard water stains on the aquarium hood of my 10 gallon. What do you think I should get to stock it?

I'm hesitant to begin suggesting fish until I have a better idea of the GH and pH. But going on the premise that it is moderately hard or harder water, livebearers will fare better than soft water fish. But this is very general...the actual numbers might open up options to some of the hardier tetras, like the Pristella for example. I still do not recommend Black Skirt Tetras here. A small group of them alone in a 20g maybe, but certainly not with other fish.
Ok thanks...not sure of levels right now. All I know is hard water stains on hood and on filter. If I get live bearers, I wanna make sure not to overcrowd tank. I know ya hesitant to make suggestions, but what live bearers for hard water?
Ok thanks...not sure of levels right now. All I know is hard water stains on hood and on filter. If I get live bearers, I wanna make sure not to overcrowd tank. I know ya hesitant to make suggestions, but what live bearers for hard water?

All livebearers require moderately hard or harder water. Swordtail, platy, molly, guppy, Endler are the common livebearers. Some of these are small, some relatively large. You're probably OK re the water for any of these, but the tank size is going to limit numbers. There are other fish that can manage fine in moderately hard water, that remain smaller, and thus would be more suited. But these have their limits for hardness so I don't want to suggest species until I have a better grasp of the GH (especially) and pH.
Ok thanks. Will let you know when I am able to test it.
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Sorry I haven't been able to reply lately. Tested aquarium water this morning and it's 14 days and it's cycled. 0/0/10. Used Tetra safestart plus added my male swordtail, filter media, bubbler, and decor from old tank. I was gonna get CPDs, but Petco was out of them. Got 5 long finned zebra danios instead. According to the AqAdvisor calculator, if I have 8 of them, plus 4 corys, and 1 dwarf gourami along with my swordtail, I'll be 97% stocked and recommend 29% water chsnge per week. How does that sound? Should I get the dwarf gourami still or any other recommendations?
Aqadvisor is good to a limit, but it doesn't calculate what the fish is or needs. in terms of space, personality, etc. Can you make a list of what your current stocking is and your want to buy stocking is, would make it a lot easier.
I would say 8 danios is it if you have them.
I just said I have 5 long finned zebra danios that I added today and 1 male swordtail I had before and cycled tank with it. I also listed what I wanted if you read my last post right. I put what I picked on AqAdvisor and that's what I wanted because that stocking was suggested to me on another forum. I'm open for suggestions besides what I mentioned as well. I did mention what was suggested in my 1st post. It was suggested a honey gourami, but how bout dwarf gourami? Was just gonna get 1 as suggested and it would get it last.
Sorry I haven't been able to reply lately. Tested aquarium water this morning and it's 14 days and it's cycled. 0/0/10. Used Tetra safestart plus added my male swordtail, filter media, bubbler, and decor from old tank. I was gonna get CPDs, but Petco was out of them. Got 5 long finned zebra danios instead. According to the AqAdvisor calculator, if I have 8 of them, plus 4 corys, and 1 dwarf gourami along with my swordtail, I'll be 97% stocked and recommend 29% water chsnge per week. How does that sound? Should I get the dwarf gourami still or any other recommendations?

No on the gourami; primarily because it does not fit well with active fish which is what the others are. You haven't confirmed if this is the basic 20g (24 inches/60 cm length) or the long (30 inches/76 cm). If the basic, you have very active fish for this short a tank, and that affects the bioload more than in a longer tank more suited to the species behaviours.

Cories need to be more, and while the tank space is limiting it is again less impact on the bioload to have more of them as they will be less stressed and stressed fish impacts the biology. If panda cory is still intended, six minimum. These are one of the more active cory species so that is a good fit activity-wise. Combining sedate fish (like the gourami is) with active fish does not work, and even more in small spaces. Active fish are stressful to sedate fish.

Water changes are better with more volume, I would suggest about half the tank once a week minimum.

It's standard 20 gal high. Thanks for the info. I would like the panda cories or maybe something else?? If I get the cories, how many should I get at once? Surprised you said 50% a week when AqAdvisor said 29%. Guess it's not that accurate?
Got 5 long finned zebra danios instead. According to the AqAdvisor calculator, if I have 8 of them, plus 4 corys, and 1 dwarf gourami along with my swordtail
Zebra danios in my experience need at least a group of six, corys need six also, and a dwarf gourami wont go along with those fish, and the swordtail imo needs a group of 3, preferably six also.
no no

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