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Soooooo, I bought 4 N. Multifasciatus for my 125l tank and they are the most industrious fish I know of. Alongside ruining my careful aquascape (which I admittedly was prepared for), they've buried my Vallis and tried to bury each others' shells! Now I've had them for a short while, I've noticed the largest fish in there (100% a male) and the smallest fish (100% a female) are starting to share a single shell. I have a mix of escargot and hermit crab shells in there which looks pretty cool. I'll get some more pictures up soon but only after I syphon out the pile of sand that they've dumped at one side of my tank, although it does look quite good, I can only see the tips of what was quite a tall Vallis so I'll have to get that out later on.
I have noticed that I probably have 3 males to one female, although the largest male is doing a stella job at making sure the other two know their place(s). Should I be thinking about removing these two males or are they OK to stay, provided nobody starts really throwing their weight about the tank? Is it doable to add 2 more females for the 2 extra males I have or should I start with the one pair? my tank footprint is 90cm x 40cm
I have also noticed that they are only really taking free-floating foods. They wont touch flake until it gets to the point where it starts to sink (which I believe to be the point where all the nutrients have started to leech out?) and they'll only catch pellets if they decide not to hide as soon as I open the tank lid to reach the back, where the paired male and female have taken up resident. So they'll miss the pellets completely and will simply let them fall to the bottom, only going to eat them once they've turned to mush and the semi-strong current has started to push bits of it around. So, at the moment they're living on frozen foods almost exclusively. I alternate their diet between Daphnia and Malawi Mix (looking into getting it changed to a proper Tanganyikan mix). I'm not sure what else to give them. I've heard some cichlid and bloodworm horror stories; although I do have some bloodworm handy that I can give them, I'm a little reluctant for the aforementioned horror story reason.
Right now, I have one of my girlfriend's pop socks over the filter intake strainer. Do Fluval make a bit of sponge to go over their 306 canister intakes or am I going to have to improvise with pop socks from now on?
Sorry if none of this makes sense. It was my friend's 21st last night and suffice to say, I ache everywhere.
Any other tips that you guys and girls can offer is always welcome.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the pellet foods I've tried are Hikari Sinking Cichlid Gold mini pellets and (I think) Nutrafin sinking cichlid mini pellets.