Unknown Shrimp Species


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
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I have recently been given some shrimp but I have no idea what species they are? They are virtually transparrent with blackish grey spots on them.
Also.I think one of them has eggs because it has the so called saddel.
Can anyone identify what they are?
As I said in the chat when you asked, I know nothing about shrimp but I've just had a little look on Google and they might be Ghost Shrimp.
Apparently you can see what they've eaten in their stomach, so that might be your answer!

A little like that I presume?
I'd bet on ghost as well, they're inexpensive and widely available. 
Knowing what country you are in will help a great deal with identification, some countries just don't have certain shrimp species. Also a close up photo is really needed of the head to get a more accurate identification, since most shrimp are classified via the serration or lack of serration on their rostrum ( the pointy nose part between the  shrimps eyes).
They look very similar to the ghost shrimp only with black spots along their body. I'll try and get a pic if they can stay still long enough!
If I remember right amano shrimps have black spots on them, and they're pretty widely available.

Tek oot.
Amano shrimp do have black on them I think, but are not quite as transparent as ghosts.  My two larger ghosts have black lines running horizontally across their back. But I have others that don't have them, maybe a male/female thing? who knows lol. My money is on it being ghost though.

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