Unheated Shrimp Tank?


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Carnoustie, Scotland
Anyone done this in the UK? I have a big glass container, probably holds about 10 litres. Was wondering if I could keep cherry shrimp or similar in it?
You certainly can keep cherry shrimps in unheated tanks in the UK; I've even heard of people having them outside, under ice! (not that I'd recommend that, at all!)
You would want some sort of filtration, IMO, although with lots of plants and regular water changes (as shrimps are sensitive to fluctuating parameters, you'd want to do lots of small ones, rather than fewer larger ones) you could probably even do without that, but a little air driven sponge or box filter would be the best option.
Not sure if I'll be able to do any filtration. I planned on water changes to keep the water good. The jar doesn't really lend itself to things like heaters filters etc. I'll get a pic later of the jar you'll see what I mean.
Last summer I cut back an overgrown plant in my tank and put the cuttings in a plastic bucket of tank water and placed it outside the back door. A couple of months later the plant had filled it and was covered in Cherry shrimp !
Its frozen over a couple of times since... its freezing cold right now and they are alive and kicking !!!
They're bigger than the ones in the tank !!!
It can be done, but it's possibly not ideal.
I have a shrimp tank that has a heater in it. Never seen it on though as the room is warm enough to keep the tank up to temperature and we have an eco heating system that stays on constant trickle, rather than working on timers. It does have a filter though and since going in there from a tank with a fairly poor filter I'm considerably up in shrimp numbers and size.
Munroco said:
LOL, I guess it sitting on my windowsill wouldn't kill them off then .
your window sill might be a solar oven during the day- keep that in mind I cooked my amano that way
The one I'm planning on doesn't get any direct sunlight so it should be ok, even in summer
Freezing weather forecast...
...I moved them into the front porch (double glazed)  for fear of the water freezing solid !!!
What's the max temp RCS's can live in without to much stress?
They can go over 30 degrees Cel, BUT not for prolonged periods and its really not advisable to stress shrimp. They may survive the initial cause of the stress such as high or low temps, but it does weaken their immune system (much like humans) and they can then be suspectable to secondary ailments attacking them.

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