This seemed like the appropriate place to post this question, I'm not exactly new but new to this situation. I just recently moved a 3 gallon betta tank from upstairs to downstairs, the fish was taken out of it for the trip but in the process it jostled up all the gravel and the undergravel filter. So I had to reseat it, stirred up loads of yuck, did a couple water changes, and hope it's fine. My question is though, did that just completely ruin the cycle? I mean, it's only a 3 gallon tank so yucky stuff builds up quick, but the water changes are just as quick so I can do as many as necessary to get it back on track. The thing HAD been up and running for over a year. It's my only undergravel filter tank so...I'm not as experienced with them.
As soon as I get my sponge filter I'm gonna cycle it up in my main tank and then move the fish in my 3 gallon into my old 20 gallon.
As soon as I get my sponge filter I'm gonna cycle it up in my main tank and then move the fish in my 3 gallon into my old 20 gallon.