Two Filters ....


New Member
Sep 26, 2013
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I had a nice clear new aquarium.    Just five gallons.   But I changed my filter media, and it got cloudy again.  I am not happy that every time I change my power filter media I will have to recycle tank?
But.  I am going to put in another filter, a small air powered internal corner one.  Not really for filtration, but for keeping the good bacteria growing.   I would alternate change the filter, one every two weeks or so.   I would keep some of the bio cylinders in the inside tank.  That way I would always have a "cycled" filter in the tank.
Sound feasible?
You don't need to change either sponges, floss or biomedia in a filter, until such time as they are falling apart. Carbon filters don't need to be put in the tank in the first place. It's all tricks to get you parting with more money than you need to.
Agreed; just stop changing the media, problem solved :)
You can change floss (the cotton wool-like stuff), if you have it and it's less than a quarter of the total media. Apart from that, just give the media a gentle rinse in some of the old tank water, when you do a water change, and put it back.
Floss should be changed long before it falls apart. I have used it in power filters for years and I bacsically replace it every week. Its opupose is to enable one to trap and remove solid wastes. the longer it is allowed to stay ing the filter the more those wastes break down and they will then return to the water.
Mechanical media is supposed to be cleaned or changed often. It is also the least likely place to find any of the needed nitrifying bacteria in a tank. Thinking otherwise shows a lack of understanding about how the bacteria live and function.
I put in the second filter.  Alot of the Fluval Bio cylinders, lotsa activated carbon, and some floss.  Had already ordered it.   I use it, an airstone, and an Aquaclear 20 in the five gallong tank. 
But about those "bio cylinders".  Yeah, I understand they can hold good bacteria, but can they latch onto bad bacteria too?????
Thank you for replies.
But shouldn't carbon be replaced periodically?
I used to raise fish thirty years ago.  Wow.  Things have changed in the "technical sense".  All the chemicals, this, that.  Did not have the problems people are having now. 
Lotsa ways for companies to take your money now.
Wish I had a bigger tank, but being disabled, this is managable.  No room anyway.
Dog, five birds, two guinea pigs, and now fish.  Call me Zookeeper.

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