Tropical Tank And Goldfish Tanks Both Have White Spot


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
South Shields
I have never had this before can someone please talk me through what to do... my goldfish all have white spots all over there water is uncycled as they are new, signs of only ammonia small amounts. Tropical tank is fully cycled perfect water and only the betta has three spots. Thanks
Sterilize equipment after use so you don't pass parasites, or diseases onto other tanks.

Raise your temps to 30.
Preform a gravel vac, and water change. On both tanks.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Add the correct amount of whitespot med to the tank.
Increase aeration. As the high temp, med, reduce 02 in the water.

Just noticed you have shrimp in your tank. They will have to be moved out of the tank.
As parasite meds can kill them.

Link to whitespot.
Sterilize equipment after use so you don't pass parasites, or diseases onto other tanks.

Raise your temps to 30.
Preform a gravel vac, and water change. On both tanks.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Add the correct amount of whitespot med to the tank.
Increase aeration. As the high temp, med, reduce 02 in the water.

Just noticed you have shrimp in your tank. They will have to be moved out of the tank.
As parasite meds can kill them.

Link to whitespot.

Have done the goldfish with interpret anti white spot.... now to do tropical... I dont know what to do with the shrimp, I have a spare tank but no filter/heater will they be ok in there? And how do I treat them seperatly? Poor shrimp :(
Sterilize equipment after use so you don't pass parasites, or diseases onto other tanks.

Raise your temps to 30.
Preform a gravel vac, and water change. On both tanks.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Add the correct amount of whitespot med to the tank.
Increase aeration. As the high temp, med, reduce 02 in the water.

Just noticed you have shrimp in your tank. They will have to be moved out of the tank.
As parasite meds can kill them.

Link to whitespot.

Have done the goldfish with interpret anti white spot.... now to do tropical... I dont know what to do with the shrimp, I have a spare tank but no filter/heater will they be ok in there? And how do I treat them seperatly? Poor shrimp :(

As far as i am aware it is only copper based meds that are dangerous to shrimp. Read the ingredients, if there's no copper, they should be ok where they are.

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