Tropheus tank mates.


Fish Addict
Nov 20, 2006
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I'm in the process of converting my Tanganyika community to a Tropheus tank. However, i'm coming up against some very conflicting information regarding tank mates. Specifically, I would like to keep a group of Synodontis Lucipinnis with them. On one hand I'm being told they will be fine, then on the other they will annoy the Trophs and even that they have different dietary requirments. (From my experience a vegetarian diet has done my Synos no harm what so ever, But it has been a frozen "Tanganyika mix".) It's very hard to get a handle on who is right and who isn't. Has anyone actually kept these fish together at all?

Just a bit more information. The tank is a 6x2x2 and will be filtered by an Eheim 2080 and an Eheim 2262, With LED lighting to encourage algae growth for the Tropheus.

Thanks in advance for any help :)
I hope that I'm not breaking any rules (if I am, would someone please let me know and accept my apologies) by telling you that is a very good site, dedicated to all things Tropheus.

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