Trimmed Grass Not Growing


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Hi all

In the photo above all the grasses that i had trimmed months ago havent grown back but have spread roots out and grown new shoots that are taller. Im getting rid of the tall hairgrass on the right as i dont like it... But is there a correct way to trim the other grass, i dont know what its called.

Cheers neil


The grasses where growing fine before being trimmed they were all tall than the water and laying along the surface
Hmm must be about 8 weeks all the new shoots are growing fine with a several reaching the surface. I dont use any ferts or anything nor want just confused as why the trimmed ones have not grown...the tips are a bit brown too.
If your talking about the vallis, then it won't grow back I'm affraid. It won't repair once the damage is done.
Yeah I thought you were talking about the hairgrass, vallis wont grow back as Ian said.
If your talking about the vallis, then it won't grow back I'm affraid. It won't repair once the damage is done.

I've never used vallis, but have always been curious about it... What do you do with it once it outgrows the height of the tank?
vallis you just haft to cut the taller leafs off, it will keep growing and cutting the taller ones will keep it growing, any holes or brown bits in leafs cut those off to, once a vallis leaf is damaged, its as good as dead i think but i could be wrong

ooh and just for info liquid co2 melts vallis :) i found that out the hard way haha

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