Made a post earlier with a few questions but one that i haven't had any information on is the air pump...
When the pump is off the fish just swim about, enjoying life etc :L
whenever it's switched on its like the fish are being sucked towards the air stone and struggle to get away and eventually all three tetras end up in the corner where the air stone is and dont move away from it
The stone said it was for small aquariums and bowls... so i assumed it would be fine. Pumps out 75L of air an hour.
Example image-
When the pump is off the fish just swim about, enjoying life etc :L
whenever it's switched on its like the fish are being sucked towards the air stone and struggle to get away and eventually all three tetras end up in the corner where the air stone is and dont move away from it
The stone said it was for small aquariums and bowls... so i assumed it would be fine. Pumps out 75L of air an hour.
Example image-