Too Many Fish?


New Member
Nov 14, 2014
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Im new to the hobby and have the following:
15 gallon nano tank with the following fish:
1 gobi
1 pistol shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 mandarin dragonette
2 clown 
2 Chromis damels
as well a cleaning crew of snails, hermits, and a sandstar
Am I way over the limit for the amount of fish I should have?
If so...can i keep it this way. Everything seems to be going fine at the moment.
thunderandlightning said:
Im new to the hobby and have the following:
15 gallon nano tank with the following fish:
1 gobi
1 pistol shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 mandarin dragonette
2 clown 
2 Chromis damels
as well a cleaning crew of snails, hermits, and a sandstar
Am I way over the limit for the amount of fish I should have?
If so...can i keep it this way. Everything seems to be going fine at the moment.
it looks like your tank has reached it's limit dont add anything anymore
But do you have an anemone with your clowns? thats a requirement
What do you feed your dragonnette? their really hard too keep as they have an extremely picky diet of amphipods and copepods
What do you feed your shrimp? the cleaner needs dead skin as in the wild (you can out your hand in and he'll start eating the dead skin from your hand)
What do you feed your pistol shrimp? the cleaner shrimp will one day be bubble-gunned by the pistol shrimp for lunch.
What type of goby do you have? is it one that has a symbiotic relationship with the pistol shrimp?
Goggy, You do not need a anemone for clown fish, These are massive corals that need a good 100 gallon tank to safely contain.
Also, 15 Gallons is a tad on the small side for a pair of clown fish.
Dragonnette is also not suitable really for that tank size and are insanely hard to keep. If you can't feed it/wont eat chances are it will not feed and die.
As the rest said, Remove the pistol if you want the cleaner shrimp, He will eat him.
Chromis damels, Keep a eye on these as well. They are known for being insanely mean and can pick on the clown fish, Moreso if there two of them.
No I don't have an anemone, was told I didn't really need one but would be cool to have one.

Feed the dragonette copes on a weekly basis. They seem to be established in the live rock now.

I don't feed either shrimp anything special...didn't know I had to.

Was also not told the the cleamer would end up being lunch for the pistol.

Yes the gobi and pistol have a relationship...very cool to watch.

Thanks everyone for your responses.
techen said:
Goggy, You do not need a anemone for clown fish, These are massive corals that need a good 100 gallon tank to safely contain.
Also, 15 Gallons is a tad on the small side for a pair of clown fish.
Dragonnette is also not suitable really for that tank size and are insanely hard to keep. If you can't feed it/wont eat chances are it will not feed and die.
As the rest said, Remove the pistol if you want the cleaner shrimp, He will eat him.
Chromis damels, Keep a eye on these as well. They are known for being insanely mean and can pick on the clown fish, Moreso if there two of them.
I thought since there was a pistol shrimp roaming about the clowns should have a place to hide

and i am pretty sure chromis damsels are one of the peacefull chromises (correct me if im wrong)

thunderandlightning said:
Correction...I have a red fire shrimp. Will that still be an issue with the pistol shrimp?
yes, it will 

thunderandlightning said:
No I don't have an anemone, was told I didn't really need one but would be cool to have one.

Feed the dragonette copes on a weekly basis. They seem to be established in the live rock now.

I don't feed either shrimp anything special...didn't know I had to.

Was also not told the the cleamer would end up being lunch for the pistol.

Yes the gobi and pistol have a relationship...very cool to watch.

Thanks everyone for your responses.
sounds like you have a fun little tank if you add an anemone the pistol and goby will be in symbiosis and so will the anemone and the clownfish... Symbiosis tank! (but i heard anemones can eat the chromis

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