Too Late?


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Jul 10, 2013
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After telling my daughter in law how much I enjoyed my new fishkeeping hobby, she mentioned that maybe in the future SHE would see what all the hoopla was about. Today she calls me and says that she bought three mollies a week ago and one has already died and my grand daughter is heartbroken. When I asked if she cycled her tank and she said "HUH" I knew at least part of her problem. I told her to do a 50% water change and to make sure the water was room temp and that she add dechlorinator. Being pretty new to this myself, I do not know what other advice to give her. She lives in another city, so I can't be there to help. Anything else I can have her do?
do you have a cycled tank maybe you could take them of her hands or advise her to return them. if you have some filter media you could let her borrow some to speed up the cycling process
Do you know what size tank the mollies are in?
Tell her to get a test kit and for her to read up on fish in cycling (or you can tell her if you know).
What size tank ? 2-3 mollies in a large tank won't be a huge bioload and although not ideal it should be manageable to fish in cycle if she tests the parameters a few times a day and is prepared to do mutliple partial water changes as soon as any ammonia or Nitrites appear.
I was a novice too (well still am) and ended up having to fish in cyle with 3 harlequins, i won't lie it was hard and constant work but I read and read all i could and got some great advice also from the guys here I was testing water 3 times a day and doing 2-3 partial water changes sometimes to keep the levels acceptable but it can be done if she reads up on it and puts in the work needed.

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