Fish Fanatic
So Ive been thinking for a while and I have been looking on AB for a while and I have decided I want to breed fish and sell them. If anyone has an tips on how to get started, I'd love the info! Thanks
Thank You!l_l_l said:I find this topic quite interesting as I am also breeding fish right now.
I don't want to make a living out of it but I plan on at least getting a few dollars every now and then.
Right now I'm breeding Tateurndina Ocellicauda which is a rarer fish from where I live.
I have already spoken with a few LFS and they were all very excited when I told them about my project.
The key is to have good relations with the LFS.
You need to know, as you start selling fish, you won't be getting lots of money for them but as your reputation grows, you will be able to sell your fish for more and more.
Most LFS will buy the fish for about 1/3 of what they sell it for. This is called wholesale price. They will very rarely buy your fish for more than it costs them to import them. The only time they will do this is when they are sure that you deliver healthy fish to them constantly.
You need not to overproduce the fish as well. As with everything on the market, price is relative to demand and offer. The more there is available, the less it'll cost.
My fish is fairly easy to breed and raise but takes about 3 months until I can sell them. It's a lot of time and effort but in the end, since they are rarer in my area, they command a higher price. I've seen them sell for 15$ each.
I only plan to raise one batch at a time, so that way, the offer isn't quite too much, and it gives time to the LFS to sell all of them and need more. Like attibones said, if you really want to be making money, you need to sell other stuff as well. Personally, I'm also selling microworm cultures, grindal worm cultures and Cherry Red shrimp. My two fry growout tanks (5g each) also serve as Cherry shrimp colonies. They act as a cleaning crew when I have fry in, and they give me extra money when I have no fry to sell.
I often have to settle for store credit when selling cherry red shrimp as they give me more money that way. Remember, if you sell them for money, they have to markup the price, but if you sell them for store credit, their price is already marked up in there.. Most of the time you trade for store credit, you can get as much as 1/2 of selling value. (You can bargain everything!)
As I already stated, I'm not doing this for money. It's more of a challenge I'm giving myself. My goal is very simple: I'd like to buy a 60 gallon aquarium out of all of this.
I wish you luck in your quest, if you plan ahead and are patient, you will be able to suceed. Just make sure you don't rush things as first of all, you need to establish reputation!![]()