Thinknig of starting an Ebay business


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2002
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Since I like them both, I cant decide wether to sell fish or plants on ebay. How exactly do you grow aquatic plants? Cuttings, seeds, roots, what? I plan on growing the potted kind (they go for more $$$) and it seems like they would be easier to handle than bunched plants. What exactly would I need to do this? I know I would probably use a couple 55 gallon tanks or maybe smaller, with laterite substrate and maybe some undergravel heaters if they dont cost TOO awful much. Besides this being fun, do you think it would be a decent profit for a 17 year old kid? It would be more of a hobby too but I would like to cash in on it a little bit. Hey im only human :lol:
One consideration its a lot easier to ship plants and cheaper too as you can ship them with very little water. :)
Would the potted plants make a better profit? Whats a pretty expensive plant species that I could grow?
Your getting ahead of yourself here. Why don't you get a bunch of plants and see what you can grow first. not every plant is going to work for every person. the more experience you have with the plants the more variety you can then sell. Rose

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